Published on February 22, 2022

30 Cool Fundraising Ideas For Schools

Looking for a fundraiser idea for your school? Here are 30 ideas for PTAs and PTOs that will help you achieve your community goals.
30 Cool Fundraising Ideas For Schools

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Battle Of The Bands

Music is a passion for many middle and high school students across the globe. Put on a battle of the bands and allow them and their bandmates to show what they’ve got and compete against their fellow students for the chance to take home the win. Charge the bands a fee to register, charge the audience to come listen, or both.

See also: 15 Event Ideas for Schools


See if a local yoga instructor will donate their time to lead a yoga class for your school. Make sure to collect a registration fee and remind the yogis to bring their own mats and water bottles. 

Soul Cycle/Spin Class

Partner with a local spin or soul cycle class and see if they would be willing to split the proceeds for having a fundraiser there. Some of the cycle places are like going to a party with crazy lights and music so if the PTO/PTA was able to book one for an event, it should be really popular.

Lunch And Learn: Claymation Or Stop Animation

Know any animation experts? Collect a donation to have them come and teach the tricks of the trade for an hour during lunch time. 

Ice Sculpture Competition

Allow competitors to enter the chance to win a prize for the best ice sculpture! For the price of the entry, the PTO/PTA can provide the ice block and the necessary tools of the trade.

ice sculpture

Cooking Lessons

Teach the community how to make an elaborate 3 course dinner! Have the patrons register and pay their fee before the event so the PTO/PTA can make sure to have enough space for everyone. Because of the equipment necessary, you might have to limit the participation but if the class is a success, feel free to have one every few weeks!

Ice Cream Social

The best way to cool off on a hot day is to host an all you can eat ice cream bar! Charge an entry fee for the refreshments and set up a few more events and activities to allow your patrons more opportunities to give.

Surfing/Snowboarding/Skiing Lessons

Have a local expert teach your patrons how to surf, ski, or snowboard. If there’s an indoor/outdoor area that the school can partner with, that’s even better!

Guitar Lessons

If you have any music experts in your area, see if they’ll donate their time to come teach a lesson on guitar, drums, or another instrument that’s popular in your area. Have anyone who wants to participate register and pay their fee before the event and gauge if you’ll be able to host everyone at the same time, break the lessons up into smaller groups, or limit registration altogether. 

electric guitar set up

Roping Lessons

Teach a specialized skill that may not be popular in your area, like a lesson on how to rope a calf! Have your patrons register before the event so the PTO/PTA knows how many people to prepare for and include other events along the same theme to keep everyone busy until their turn comes.

Touch A Truck

Reach out to a few emergency response teams and local construction companies to see if they would be willing to bring one of their rigs/trucks for the kids to explore. Charge a registration fee and have a raffle going to see who can ride along in one of the vehicles in the company allows.

Meme Day

This is a very popular yet easy event for the PTO/PTA to sponsor! Collect donations for the students to participate in a day where they get to dress up like their favorite memes. 

Sushi Making Class

Is sushi making or another food artform especially popular among your students or community families? Host a class on how to properly make them! For the price of registration, the participants get access to all the ingredients they’ll need and get to learn to make and enjoy their own creations.

nice suishi dinner

Frozen Hair Sculpture Contest

All you’ll need for this event is a hot tub and a cold wintery day. Allow your participants to sign up and submit a registriaation fee for the opportunity to win a prize for best frozen hair styles. Make sure to include a warm place for the contestants to wait and plenty of warm drink and food booths for after their turn has been completed.

Snowman Competition

Allow your community to show their creative side with a snowman competition! For the registration fee, the competitor is given a certain area of snow plus whatever tools they need to make their creation stand out among the rest! Just remind your participants that any clothing, pipes, or hats will need to be supplied by them.

Chili Cookoff

Looking to heat up your community on a chilly day? What better way than to have a chili cookoff! Collect an entry fee and hand out one voting ticket per person to allow patrons to taste as many chili recipes as they want but pick only one as the winner. The contestant with the most tickets at the end of the cookoff wins.

Soup/Coffee Bar

Having an event in the colder months of the year? Pair it with a soup and coffee/hot coco bar to allow your patrons to stay warm in the frigid weather.

Hot Yoga

If you have a bikram yoga studio in your community, see if they’ll allow the school to have a fundraiser where they share a portion of the fees with the school. 

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Teacher Vs Team Tug-O-War

This event should be especially popular if you have a robust student sports team. Ask 10 teachers and 10 students to volunteer to be on a tug-o-war team to go head to head against one another. Then, allow the students to vote to see who they want to go up against each other by putting money into their chosen person’s lock box. 

At the end of the voting period, the top 5 teachers and the top 5 students who have the most money in their boxes will make up the tug-o-war teams that will compete against each other.

Rock Paper Scissors Tournament

For a small entry fee, allow the students to participate in a school wide rock, paper, scissors tournament. Once the student is out, wait for the final pool to narrow to 10-20 students then allow anyone who wants to buy back into the competition for a few more dollars can do so at that point. Keep going until one kid is crowned the winner!

Host A Tailgate

Host a tailgate in time for your favorite sports season to start! Charge an entry fee to allow access to games and supply grills for burgers and hotdogs.

Cornhole Tournament 

Have teams of either two or four players register to enter a cornhole tournament. Have several games going at once by providing several boards for play at the same time. 

bean bags

Painting Drop Tiles

Allow your students to include a piece of their art work on the school by selling the opportunity to paint the drop tiles. For the price of the entry fee, the students get access to paints and markers plus a drop tile for them to decorate. 


If your middle school has a choir, have them practice a few christmas carols and then go door to door in your community and sing for donations. Don’t forget to bring along a wagon of soup and hot chocolate so your singers can stay refreshed as they bring holiday spirit to community friends and neighbors.

Disney/Character Day

Allow your students to dress up as their favorite Disney or book/movie character in exchange for a donation! 

minnie mouse ears at disnaeyland

School Sleepover

Host a lock in in either the cafeteria or the library of your school! For a registration fee, provide dinner, games, a movie and allow everyone to sleep over at the school!

Color Run

This event should be a big hit with your middle and high schoolers! Remind all the participants to wear as much white as they can when they register and pay their fee. For the day of the event, you can organize it in a 5k style where the course is a big loop around the community or you can organize it run-a-thon style where participants collect donations and pledges based on how many laps they complete within the event time frame. 

The fun part for this event is the inclusion of water balloons filled with dye and dust designed to color your clothes all kinds of fun colors. 

group of people with color paint

Bottle/Can Drive

Have the students bring empty bottles and cans from home to donate to the school, who can then exchange the recyclables for cash at the local exchange station. Feel free to expand the drive to include gently worn clothes, shoes, or anything else the PTO/PTA might need or can think of!

Capture The Teacher/Principal

Set a donation goal for your students that, once reached, “locks the teacher/principal away” for a day/hour and gives the students a free day/period.

Parents Night Out

A classic event, the parents night out is sure to garner a lot of participation for your younger participants, especially if some cool and fun high schoolers are in charge. 

Make sure to have the attendees register ahead of time, and for the price of registration, the attendees can have all the pizza, games, and fun they can handle. Include a movie at the end and the parents will be excited to collect their sleepy children at the end of the night.

cool fundraising pinterest

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